Studying Weather

We finished our weather unit last week or the week before (time gets away from me). 🙂 I don’t really have a lot of time during the day after reading and math to have science (themes) and writing and social studies and… So-I incorporate my science into my writing time  A LOT! We illustrated different kinds of weather and wrote about our illustrations in a weather book. Here is a picture of the cover and one of the inside pages. This page was in Daniel’s book-he did not speak any english when he started Kindergarten-he has come a long way! Isn’t he cute?

We also made torn paper rainbows(this will keep them busy for awhile!).

Dr. Seuss Fun

Today was our 1st day of celebrating “Read Across America”. We read several Dr. Seuss books-The Tooth Book, Fox in Socks, and One Fish, Two Fish. We realized that Dr. Suess did not make his books match the title like most of our stories we have read. We wore our silly socks to school today and took a picture of them after we read “Fox in Socks”.

Then after we read “One Fish, Two Fish” we colored our own fish. We had to give them names and they HAD to be rhyming words-silly rhyming words. We have been learning about rhyming words all year, and the kids have gotten really good at hearing what is the the same in 2 words. Here are some pictures of our fish with their funny names! 🙂

Valentine Love

Friday we wrote about kindness and love. I had them copy the 1st sentence “Kindness is love”. Then they had to write their own sentence about something they can do to show kindness. We brainstormed this before I let them loose! 🙂 I also told and showed them how to draw a valentine heart and color the entire background pink. Here is the final product.

Didn’t they turn out cute?

I wish my entire class could write this well. Writing is definitely developmental, and a few of my students write words and sounds that don’t match what they read back to me. But it will come to them eventually! 🙂

Here are the valentine heart people that we made just for fun!

Valentine’s Day

We finally had our Valentine’s Party this past Tuesday since Friday was a snow day and Monday was an teacher in-service day. It was hectic, but the kids had fun! 🙂 We estimated how many candy conversation hearts would fit on a paper heart. Then we put our candy hearts on the paper heart, counted how many fit, and recorded the actual answer. Several of the kiddos made GREAT guesses-like 11 as a guess and 13 fit! WOW! But, some of them were waaaaaay off! 🙂 Thinking back on this activity I know that I should begin estimation earlier in the year and do it on a regular basis in many ways and with a reference point. Hmmm-will definitely change that for next year. Anyway, after this we sorted our candy hearts by color and then made individual graphs. We have done graphs in the past so this was easy for them! I am posting some pictures for you to see what the activities looked like.

Here are some pictures of the kid during these activities:

We gave out our valentines to our friends-this took AWHILE with 26 kinders, but it ended up going well!! We had a party later on with cupcakes and candy galore. I’m glad I got to send them home after that!! 🙂 Here are some pictures from the party. We had to pretend to nap on the rug(we don’t nap in kindergarten at my school) so that I could get the goodies on the tables!

I took pictures of 3 tables and then my batteries died! Wouldn’t you know?! 🙂